To better understand what has influenced the style and subject matter of my paintings today, I would venture to say it was all the incredible tv/cartoon shows and movie flicks I grew up watching as a kid…. The Hulk, Wonder Woman, Merry Melodies, Bugs Bunny, Popeye, The Three Stooges, The Munsters, Happy Days, Lavern and Shirley, Three’s Company, I Love Lucy, The Wizard of Oz, Young Frankenstein..….. holy crap, I could go on and on… the times, the styles, the playfulness of these wonderfully entertaining shows, movies, and characters left a huge mark on my young, impressionable, creative mind.

One show in particular that sparked my imagination and fondness for drawing was KTLA5’s “Popeye and Friends.” Hosted by actor and entertainer, Mr.Tom Hatten. I want to say I remember his show was on when I got home from school everyday, but I’m not one hundred percent sure, I know he had another show, Family Film Festival, which aired every Sunday morning (which introduced me to a ton of the classics).

So back to “Popeye and Friends.” Mr.Hatten, an artist himself, would teach the viewers how to draw different Popeye characters throughout the show. So as a kid, I was definitely in my happy place watching Popeye cartoons and Tom Hatten draw Popeye characters with his big newsprint sketchpad. There was also a segment of the show where he would pick a squiggle (a single – line doodle), out of hundreds of squiggles mailed in from viewers and he would quickly turn it into a drawing of a cartoon character. Oh blessed dayz!!

I was fascinated with this beautiful man. He inspired me at a young age to want to improve my drawing skills and keep learning. He instilled in me a love for the past. I feel so fortunate to have been able to grow up during this time. Such wonderful memories! I’m a lucky gal…Thank you Mr.Tom Hatten!

Lizzy Lomax

Painter | Illustrator | Sculptor